Saturday, I hosted my BFF LaTraya's baby shower. I'd been working on it since February! She is so very special to me and I wanted to treat her to an over the top kind of party. My inspiration, was this picture from
Social Couture 
It turned out beautifully! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the day.

This is what the table looked like. I really wanted it to be elegant, but also within my budget. I found clear plastic serving platters at Dollar Tree, spray painted them silver and used them for chargers under the white dinner plates. The champagne flutes and pink votive holders were also Dollar Tree finds at 50 cents a piece.

I made the little cardstock tote bags to hold all the different little party favors. The mini baby bottles were filled with pink and green M&Ms that I picked up at Walmart at Easter time. I was so thrilled to find these there because they were half the price of the custom kind you can buy on the M&M website and they didn't even have Easter bunnies or eggs printed on them! Awesome find indeed!

This is the scrapbook page I made for guests to sign their well wishes to the new baby. I borrowed the layout and idea from Becky Higgins' blog.

This is the diaper cake I made for Traya. It's kind of hard to see behind the other gifts, but like everything else, it matches the rest of the party. :0)

I also baked my special homemade, vanilla sugar cookies. We've had such beautiful, warm weather the past few days and unfortunately that caused the cookies to spread out way more than they should have during baking. Oh well, at least they still tasted yummy!

I decided to use paper lanterns for the decorations instead of balloons as they added that extra special touch to the party. I found these at Dollar Tree too.

My Beanie and her "Mama Traya"

The beautiful mommy-to-be